Mathieu Mirano, Elegance is Sexy

Mathieu Mirano

Egresado de la prestigiosa escuela Parsons School of Design NY, con apenas 22 años, Mathieu Mirano se ha convertido en uno de los diseñadores de moda más jóvenes y reconocidos de Nueva York.
Su imaginación y elegancia se ven reflejadas en sus colecciones impecables, frescas y femeninas.

En su presentación primavera - verano 2014 durante el Fashion Week NY, Mathieu Mirano refleja a la mujer joven, sexy y con clase , a la cual le gusta mostrar su silueta y ama tener un estílo de vida elegante,  inspirandose en la mujer Mirano y en el extremismo dulce - siniestro.

Sobre la pasarela predominan las faldas y vestidos, así como los colores blanco, metálico, rojo, beige y negro; los bordados y estampados de flores, bustiers y cordones, así como zapatos altos con colores neutro.

Peinados hechos por Oribe Hair Care

Graduated from the prestigious Parsons School of Design NY; The 22 year old  designer Mathieu Mirano has become in one of the most young and recognized Fashion designers of New York.
His imagination and elegance are reflected in his impeccable, fresh and feminine collections.

In his presentation  spring/ summer 2014 during the MB Fashion Week NY, Mathieu Milano represents a young, sexy and classy woman,who wants clothes that fit perfectly (clothes for her life) and loves to have an expensive lifestyle, this way the designer was inspired by the Mirano Woman and the extremism between sweet & sinister.

On the runway the skirts and dresses dominated , the colors white, metallic, red, beige and black; you can also see flower prints and embroidery, bustiers with laces and heeled shoes with neutral colors.

Hair done by Oribe Hair Care



Mathieu Mirano
Fashion Week
Oribe Hair Care

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